- Photo byground.zero
Mayan Death Robots is just as awesome as its title suggests.
Featuring, well, Mayans and death robots, the turn-based artillery game definitely will capture your attention.
Mayan Death Robots is a unique take on games like Worms or Scorched Earth, as it has players pick their actions simultaneously.
Each player takes on the role of one of ten different robots, each one with its own unique weapons.
Each robot is worshipped as a god by the Mayans, who build temples to it and try to help it out during battles.
Over time, the Mayan on both teams start to developing various weapons, like catapults, to use on the opposing robot.
On top of that, Mayan gods, who feel shunned after the Mayans begin worshipping the robots, sometimes will attack the robots.
Source: Mayan Death Robots Features Mayhem, Madness, and Magic