The Mayans have a rich and varied culture. Here are just a few interesting facts about the Mayan people: 1. Mayans Had Advanced Writing and Books – The Maya, like the Egyptians, wrote in hieroglyphs. They covered their cities with the hieroglyphs, « Continue »
Volcanic Ash Gave Ancient Mayan Cities Life
Tikal For a long time researchers have wondered how ancient Mesoamerican metropolises thrived on land with poor soil that could barely sustain crops. Now, experts believe that the Mayan cities that prospered received a steady and frequent ash « Continue »
The Stolen Treasure of Montezuma
Tenochtitlan, Cortez and La Malinche meet Moctezuma II. When Cortés and his men arrived near the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, they were regarded as gods. The Aztecs believed that one day their god Quetzalcoatl would return, and Cortés in his « Continue »
Aztec Cooking – Ancient Cookware
The average Aztec kitchen had what is called a comal. The traditional comal has a round or oval-shaped top made of fire-hardened ceramic sitting on three or four stones, known as tenamaxtlán. The tenamaxtlán holds the ceramic top over a fire or « Continue »
The Toll Looters Take
The ancient Mayans left behind a wealth of artifacts and ruins, but unfortunately a good portion of what was left has been claimed by looters looking to sell the relics to the highest bidder. In the jungles of northern Guatemala, the ruins of the « Continue »
The Clothing of the Ancient Aztecs
When we picture the Aztecs, we generally imagine them in the splendor of their ceremonial robes so often depicted in Aztec art. But what else did they wear? Research shows that most of the Aztec’s clothing was made from imported cotton or ayate « Continue »
In Search of Legendary Aztlán
Detail of first page from the Boturini Codex, depicting the departure from Aztlán. According to the Aztecs, their ancestors came from a place called Aztlán, which means “the place of cranes” or “the place of herons.” Legend describes it as a « Continue »
Aztec Words We Use Today
The Aztec Empire left an impressive legacy and evidence of their culture is still present in the modern world. Most people know that it was the Aztecs that introduced the world to chocolate – but did you know that there are several words in the « Continue »
Who was Montezuma II?
Montezuma II Montezuma II, also known as Moctezuma II, was the reigning Aztec emperor when the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortes arrived in modern-day Mexico. Montezuma II ruled from 1502 to 1520, during what many consider to have been the « Continue »
Mayan Cities Rediscovered with Aerial Photography
The Yucatán peninsula as seen from space Deep in the jungles of Mexico, archaeologists have re-discovered two ancient Mayan cities. The cities contain ruined pyramid temples, a gateway, a ball court, palace remains, altars, and stone monuments. « Continue »